Hey mama’s, Welcome to my very 1st IMG955841

Every Friday I will Shining the Spotlight on a special mommy that inspires and motivates me. I know of some really special mommies and I’m so excited to share them with you.

Today’s Follow Mommy Fridays feature is Nakia Purefoy. 20181228_093247


She’s a wife, amazing mother of 5 children , a momager,  blogger, family vlogger and so much more.


Pause 🚫 did I mention that she homeschools all 5 of these beautiful children!!! Nakia inspires me because she doesn’t allow all of her responsibilities to get in the way of her pursuing her goals of maintaining her health and spending genuine quality time with her loved ones.

For a deeper look into Nakia @kis_chronicles check out our Q & A below ⤵️


Q. How do you balance it all?

A. Balance is challenging but I try to schedule my life as much as possible…..chores, extracurricular activities, etc.


Q. How do you implement self care in the midst of your busy schedule?

A. I make self care a priority. Which means that it is a part of my busy schedule. So just as I would schedule a play date, I schedule my mani/pedi appointment. No matter what…..I make time to fill my own cup.


Q. What keeps you going when life gets tough?

A. 3 things keep me going when life gets tough…..My family, Jesus, and my dreams


*For more inspiration Be sure to follow and subscribe  Nakia Purefoy





Published by Jeany

My name is Jeany Sulpha and I am a Stay at Home Mom to a rambunctious 5 year old little guy and 2 beautiful girls 3 and 6 months old. This blog is about my struggles and successes as a Christian, mother , advocate and aspiring entrepreneur trying to be the best Proverbs 31 woman God called me to be. I look forward to inspiring you on this journey. #beblessed! Check out my Facebook group for more y fun - Mommy Needs A Time Out! https://www.facebook.com/groups/156120624878804/

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  1. I love when we lift one another up. Thanks for the uplifting words and way to go momma! I look forward to your other Friday Follows this year.


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